Monday, November 28, 2016

Anger of the Great / யோகியின் ரௌத்திரம்

Do you look at the world critically? No :) ...I Get it.

நீங்கள் இவ்வுலக நடவடிக்கைகளை கூர்ந்த கவனிப்பவரா ?

Many don't view "Important things" as Important in this busy world ( A perennial busy world :)). Its unfortunate how humans have gone far from vital things of reality that help them live/exist.

It's ok to get a little corrupted, Live on chemical foods, GMCrops. My dear Friends ..WAKE UP.. It's got to point, where the quality of life and health is getting traded full-time in the name of growth. I checked with a few friends and acquaintances of mine, while few of them knew what's happening others don't even bother on these issues. Not reacting to these life damaging actions is blamed on silence and maturity. I see this inability and lack of interest conveniently interpreted as Sathvik Guna.

We know that isn't true. How will Silence or Peace stop one from reacting to serious problems that's happening around us and affecting us on a daily basis. Where is the Genuine anger of a human being when injustice is done to living things?  Oh it's probably waiting and watching because nothing visible has happened to them yet. One can wait for something drastic to happen with them or learn from things that has started affecting others in the society.

When you don't care for issues happening to other living beings in the system near you, the cosmos as a system will fail to recognize you, when you need it the most.  It will put you on a life or death situation, which will demand you to even look at small things very critically. Till then it's ok for you to go ahead and Burn Ozone layer, Deforest, Slaughter Animals, in the name of growth and commerce. The greed of the system is already showing up on your Daily food, Seeds, Medications and with every single thing you have at your house now. You have a choice to act upon or continue to pretend as if nothing's happened. That my friend is not the Sathvik Guna but the presence of Tamo Guna in disguise. Inaction can never be Sathvik Guna.

One's inability, indifference and selfishness affecting from seeing the System and it's problems is called Tamo-Guna. So asking no questions and not worrying can't be called Sathvik. It's pretending to be so. The aggression formed by Tamo Guna is destructive

Sathvik is the Supreme's Silence. It is the silence of a Warrior and the peace kept by balancing Justice. When injustice happens to living beings then the Supreme's Warrior Sense of Silence, breaks into Genuine & Constructive anger, which is called the Rowdhram (Rajo-Guna). In this case this is a powerful anger caused from Sathvik Guna that will annihilate the aggression (Rajo-Guna) that was created by Tamo Guna. This Supreme Aggression is the need of the hour

Tamo Guna is eventually Death by Choice and depicted using Buffalo. The head of Buffalo is chopped and controlled by Goddess Durga's feet Symbolically. Those who succumb to this guna will need a fierce shakthi called Durga/ Chandi to overcome laziness, inaction and ignorance. Rest die without action and by their choice.

Registering anger in Social media is not enough because they are not actionable.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Don't idle..Keep moving Bro/Sis

As Albert Einstein wrote: "It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do".

Duality with Non-Duality when put together explains the Phenomenon "Source of Life"

In simple religious terms if you are worshiping a deity then there is a duality. The difference here is the distance between you and the deity. When you start walking towards deity, distance reduces and Vision of Idol increases.

Non-Duality states when the distance gets reduced, both looks same and eventually becomes one Person.(Now Instead of the Idol with its usual looks, imagine the Deity with an Image of yours if you don't understand the statement). Other way of looking at this is; they are not in dual places and dual items having dual distances. They are just non-dual now.

There are only two ways to get there (being Non-dual). 
First one is walk towards it, so you get there. 
Other way is to stand Still to see the Image come to you.

While the later one is done by great Yogis and Siddha, rest of the human race are walking the great distance as mentioned by the first one.

The 2nd one(Later one) is the most powerful Inner Walk (A journey that could only be understood by the Great and Noble Souls). A Route that's Rough and a Journey that's Tough. Externally the still looks can be misleading, however internally the Speed it moves is hard for others to Comprehend.

அவன் சிவனே னு கிடக்கிறான்
சதா இதே சிந்தையா இருக்கான் பார்
சோம (சும்மா இருக்கான் பார்)
இதே கதியாய் இருக்கான் பார்

Hence this Journey is Mis-understood by Commoners as Staying Idle. This is considered as Laziness as the external appearance and actions could be Mis-leading. Stillness is a powerful progression towards non-duality or in a state where there is no duality.

Let me state the difference between Idling and Staying Still. Staying Still takes humongous practices and skills. In a forest and nerve chilling Himalaya a day would be OK for an Idling person.After that the chillness, loneliness and silence and can make them mad in a month. Understand this is not easy.  A person who has practiced to be still can be there for Weeks/Months and Years in place that is dead silent.

For people who can't take the rough journey like Siddhas, will still have to take baby steps and progress further. The steps may be  Bhakthi, Bhajan, Social Service, Ashram Visits and or atleast doing their Jobs properly (Karma Routines). If they don't take small steps in forward direction that is when we call the mind to be "Idling". Now I think it will be easy to identify the difference between Idling and staying still. Unlike stillness the idle mind will make you move backwards in the opposite direction. The mind thus has to be constantly engaged with a target/idol/image/Destiny or a Goal in order to keep one walking forward. It is a huge sea to swim but the only choice is to move forward whether it is slow or fast.

In order to walk/swim the support of supreme will be required as mentioned by Thiruvalluvar below.

பிறவிப் பெருங் கடல் நீந்துவர் நீந்தார் 
இறைவன் அடி சேராதார் 

None can swim the great sea of births but those
who are united to the feet of God.

Keep moving ...Don't Idle.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Believing as opposed to knowing

The word believing by virtue is subject to Oscillation. One can start believing or stop believing “something” which wasn’t the same way until then. In another ways swaying of trust is due to lack of “knowledge about the something” or “due to the quality of knowledge about the something”.

Science always continues to look further for knowledge on the “something”. When anyone tries to put forward their knowing experience of this “something” for first time, then it is taken as a theory/Hypothesis. The hypothesis then is subjected for Empirical evidences to define the “something”. The knowing (collective details obtained through experiments, evidences and data) are then looked for coherence and collective acceptance from elite team. Thus the “knowledge of something” is derived.

For a better understanding let us compare 2 such knowledge  here. The “Knowledge of Malaria Cure” vs “Knowledge of Cancer cure”. The former is profound knowledge compared to the later. The former works and is believed whereas the later one is left to disbelief. The disbelief is pretty much synonymous to the word “terminal Illness” in this context.

What works is profound knowledge and what doesn’t is shallow knowledge. “So what works is truth”. In another words “What is truth always works”. The secret is in the “True knowing” irrespective of whether it is science, Maths, Philosophy or Astronomy. It is a constant battle between wisdom and knowledge. It is not the “Intellects” who will get closer to truth it is about the people who exhibit “intelligence” who will get close to the act.

The very act of claiming oneself “intellect in an area” and not knowing the truth of that area is contradicting. This is because you are still clinging on to a knowledge that is not working and calling yourself intellect. This knowledge generates disbelief irrespective of the subject you specialize in.

Philosophically the word “intellect” reflects ego and “intelligence” reflects capability. The latter is about abundance and reflects that it is something,  one  will have to constantly thrive in-order to reach the truth.

It is choice between believing the truth as opposed to knowing the truth J for seekers

Friday, May 20, 2016

Practicing versus Living

As life passes and as we age, the way we look at things changes. It applies to Spiritual beings, philosophers and invariably even with atheists.
Getting to Yoga sessions and meditational practices starts as a part in one’s life when they get spiritual. We are told spending quality time daily on these keeps our mind and body healthy. Invariably every single being clings on to a religion or a spiritual practice. Does this get the person to where he/she wants to? Many a times.:)!                
Why? Why do people who practice daily also don’t get to a point of what they want out of it?

A 60 minute intense practice of asana and another 23hours of distraction that involves drinking, partying, smoking and indifference to other things around you. An intense Kriya yoga or Vaasi yoga for 2 hours a day with no understanding of why you are doing this?
I have been asking a question in line to this discussion, to quite a few people that includes Americans, Japanese and Indians, who talk to me on any spiritual practice. "Why do you meditate? "
Do you mediate too? Then think of an answer that you will say before you scroll down this Blog.


Common answers: centering self, increase focus, slowdown mind, loose self, conscious related, rejuvenate…
On hearing this when I ask them is this not something achieved by sleeping? Sleep technically addresses all of them so why would you meditate. That question usually flabbergasts the seekers.
The underlying problem is due to lack of lucidness on why we go seeking. A deep retrospection of this will have 3 things connected to one’s inside. They are Fear, Greed and Pride. 

1.      Fear to deal a tough situation (relationship, debt or even the fear of death)

2.      Greed to attain special capabilities (attain power to control situations and others)

3.      The pride of being someone special who is close to God. (attention Grabbing and Power mongering)

These are the one who start a spiritual practice for a reason. When that emotion is gone the practice is also gone. However the souls that are wise, understand the higher life was the actual goal after all these emotions goes dead. They hence live the higher life.
Higher life is a way of noble living. For them their mind is 24*7 on what they do and eventually there is no difference between practicing and living a different way of life. That is true meditation. Their way of life, the things they do, the effect they create around the society is profound.
Spiritual leaders or any leaders for that matter are not known for the schools they come or the practice they do. A Siddha are a Buddha is known by the life he lives and not by the practice he/she does. Touch the “Yema” of being good and noble. Remaining 7 steps of ashtanga yoga will follow you. If you are noble the gurus and the universe will find their way to you.